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Papai Noel era Bispo

Statue on the Charles Bridge, in Prague, Czech...

Por Dom Robinson Cavalcanti, ose
Bispo Diocesano

O personagem histórico do qual deriva a atual figura do Papai Noel foi São Nicolau, Bispo de Mira (atual Demre) na Turquia, que viveu no século IV, foi preso mais de uma vez sob o Imperador Diocleciano, por não negar a sua fé em Jesus Cristo, mas não foi martirizado, tendo uma vida longa.

Foi uma pessoa bondosa, que amava as crianças e a elas distribuía presentes, e possuía vestes episcopais vermelhas. Foi declarado santo, por se atribuir ao mesmo a realização de vários milagres em vida. Uma Basílica foi construída em sua honra, quando faleceu. Com um carisma de “ajuda” a sua memória foi venerada rapidamente no Leste Europeu, entre bizantinos e coptas. Com a invasão islâmica à Turquia, os seus restos mortais foram transladados, posteriormente (1087) para a Basílica de Bari, na Itália.
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Quando você vai acordar? “When you gonna wake up?” (Bob Dylan)

Algumas poesias são proféticas…Veja esta:

God don’t make no promises that He don’t keep.

You got some big dreams, baby, but in order to dream you gotta still be asleep.

When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up

When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?

Counterfeit philosophies have polluted all of your thoughts.

Karl Marx has got ya by the throat, Henry Kissinger’s got you tied up in knots.

You got innocent men in jail, your insane asylums are filled,

You got unrighteous doctors dealing drugs that’ll never cure your ills.

You got men who can’t hold their peace and women who can’t control their tongues,

The rich seduce the poor and the old are seduced by the young.

Adulterers in churches and pornography in the schools,

You got gangsters in power and lawbreakers making rules.

Spiritual advisors and gurus to guide your every move,

Instant inner peace and every step you take has got to be approved.

Do you ever wonder just what God requires?

You think He’s just an errand boy to satisfy your wandering desires.

You can’t take it with you and you know that it’s too worthless to be sold,

They tell you, “Time is money” as if your life was worth its weight in gold.

There’s a Man up on a cross and He’s been crucified.

Do you have any idea why or for who He died?

When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up

When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?

Do álbum “Slow Train Coming”, décimo nono álbum de estúdio do cantor Bob Dylan, lançado a 20 de Agosto de 1979

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945)

BonhoefferDietrich Bonhoeffer foi um teólogo, pastor luterano, mártir, membro da resistência alemã anti-nazista e membro fundador da Igreja Confessante, ala da igreja evangélica contrária à política nazista.

Nasceu em Breslau, Alemanha, em 4 de Fevereiro 1906, filho de um psiquiatra de classe média alta. Quando jovem decidiu-se seguir a carreira pastoral na Igreja Luterana. Doutorou-se em teologia na Universidade de Berlim e fez um ano de estudos no Union Theological Seminary, em Nova York.

Nos anos de 1929 a 1930 trabalhou como assistente pastoral em uma congregação evangélica na Espanha. Durante esta época viajou por alguns países de língua latina como México e Cuba. Retornou a Alemanha em 1931 e foi ordenado pastor. Continue lendo

La teología de la liberación está viva y goza de buena salud


Por Rev. Dr Walter Altmann, Presidente de la Iglesia Evangélica de Confesión Luterana en el Brasil y moderador del Comité Central del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI).

Desde la caída del Muro de Berlín, han sido muchos los críticos que se precipitaron a declarar la muerte de la teología de la liberación. La mayoría lo hizo porque vio en ella apenas una apología del socialismo de caduco estilo soviético. Sin embargo, ese certificado de defunción parece haber sido emitido prematuramente. Continue lendo

Are we going?

Bolivia , dramatic landscape, jeep desert and ...

In the last years I had the opportunity to represent Brazil at some international mission congress, visit Brazilian missionaries serving in Africa and Asia, and challenge churches to get involved in missions in different cities of Brazil and States.

How dare I could express everything that I saw, heard and lived in these places. How can I communicate all the marks engraved in my heart and mind? To make the story shorter I can say that there is nothing better than get in contact with the other parts of the Body of Christ in the world to discern our own roll as people and church, in Brazil and in the world. Continue lendo

And now José?

Carlos Drummond de Andrade, a famous Brazilian poet, stamped this expression in his poem “José” (1942). As master, he shows the emptiness and the “none direction” latent in the souls of the Brazilians, immerged in the anguish and the uncertainty of the dark years of the II Great World War. As being “José” (and also son of José), since I know myself as a person, this has been a question that has accompanied me.

There is also another “Joseph”, but this one inspires me. Opposite of the first one, poetic and emblematic, this one is historical; he lived with the Lord of the history. Continue lendo

Comemorar ou lamentar?

Por: Nancy Gonçalves Dusilek

Mulheres bem-sucedidas, mulheres violentadas. Mulheres com altos salários, mulheres sem salário. Mulheres com diplomas, mulheres analfabetas. Mulheres com filhos saudáveis e em boas escolas, mulheres com muitos filhos e sem perspectiva de vida. Mulheres bem casadas e amadas, mulheres abandonadas pelos consortes. Mulheres estruturadas emocionalmente, mulheres precisando de ajuda. A lista é longa e sempre inclui mulheres.

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Hold on, Zorobabel!

Affectionate old couple with the wife holding ...

We all wanted to make a difference and leave our mark in somebody else’s life. We were made with this “sense of accomplishment”. We are complete when we have constructive relationships. Like a friend of mine use to say:” People need God, people need people”. How that’s true!

We, who were born “from above” (John 3:3) find accomplishment when, used by the Father, can leave His mark—blessing others. Indifference, selfishness, and the unbalanced search of self-satisfaction – so common nowadays – does not represent our normal way. It’s pathological, and serious! The normal way is to live for each other and have accomplishment in somebody else’s joy. Continue lendo

We cannot do it by ourselves; He does not want to do it without us!

I believe in God. I believe He has designed a very special plan in which He longs to share His glory and loving kindness with all people around the world. I believe one day the whole universe and the nations of the earth will be healed and reconciled with Him, the Creator. I believe in this project called the Kingdom of God, in which the Church – a people redeemed by the power of Christ’s Gospel – is the principal instrument to transform the world.

For these reasons, I understand that God, in his sovereignty, wisdom and grace, has decided to act in partnership with us, His people. Contemplating the greatness of such a calling and our own limitations, I can only accept this truth by faith and willingly open my heart to His word, with the understanding that He wishes to use the fragile and the weak so that the merit be His alone. In other words: “We cannot do it by ourselves; He does not want to do it without us!” Continue lendo

There was a Juniper Tree, in Brazil…

In his epistle, James observes that Elijah, the prophet, was just a human being, like us (5.17). For some people, this is hard to accept. I can understand them. How we could be identified with someone who challenged a king, raised a child from the dead, prayed for no rain and for fire from heaven and was heard, and also was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire! But remember, there is another side to Elijah.

That Elijah who feels alone, runs to the desert, sits down under a Juniper tree and asks for his “promotion”. I can identify myself with him. Those who can’t understand why James wrote that in his epistle do not observe this point of view about the prophet. Moreover, maybe they think that it’s hard to accept that God uses broken and cracked vases, and that sometimes they spill. But this is the way God acts. Continue lendo

Churches are not born by chance

Have you ever looked attentively upon a garden? If so, you’ve probably noticed those small plants that surprisingly come up through the grass, flowers and decorative plants. These “marvels” of nature, called “weeds”, do not need to be sown and therefore no gardener helps them grow. They simply show up, springing up without any consent and, unless removed, they’ll be all over the garden in a little while.

When considering the growing number of churches nowadays, the inattentive observer would think that just as those small plants, the Church would naturally spread out till it reaches the ends of the world. However, it is not that way. Churches need to be sown, looked after. They must be intentionally planted and cultivated, just as a soybean, wheat or coffee plantation. Continue lendo

The cloud went Northeast!

Sertao nordestinoThere was a time when the Lord manifested His presence and guided His people through the desert by means of a cloud. When the cloud moved, they would journey; when it remained above the tabernacle, the children of Israel would remain encamped.

In the next few lines, we want to share with you our understanding, which indicates that the cloud has been taken up and goes North. More specifically, Northeast Brazil! We invite you to come along, under the cloud and blessing of the Lord.
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